The First Integration of Conversational Analytics and Website Experience Data

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The First Integration of Conversational Analytics and Website Experience Data

Have you ever rage-clicked a dead “add to cart button” a thousand times while trying to buy something or hopelessly hunted a website for a product description? If so, you may have called the company out of frustration to get what you needed or bailed out completely. The problem with frustrating web experiences like these is that many companies don’t know about them until they have missed out on sales and angered hundreds of people who may then never become customers. 

The industry-first integration of conversational analytics from Invoca and web experience analytics data from Decibel finally offers a solution to this problem. With the new Invoca + Decibel integration, you can now connect online experiences with phone calls to weed out frustrating website experiences and drive more high-value customers to the phone. The result is that every customer gets the seamless experience they deserve and you drive more revenue and higher conversion rates. Here’s how it works.

How Seeing the Full Journey Increases Conversions

Digital teams are great at tracking customer interactions online. But they usually don’t have much if any visibility into what happens when they leave the website and reach out over the phone. Why did they leave the online experience and reach out for human assistance? What was the result of the call? Is there something missing or wrong with the website experience that’s making people call to complete purchases or are happy customers calling for guidance before making high-value purchases?

To answer these questions we built a first-of-its-kind integration with Decibel, whose mission is to harness AI to optimize digital experiences. The result is a solution that connects Decibel’s web experience data with Invoca’s call and conversational analytics so that our shared customers can get unprecedented, end-to-end insights into the customer journey. With this data, web teams can fix breaks in the online conversion funnel and also optimize for certain purchases when driving a phone call can present upsell opportunities, convert customers more quickly, and increase revenue.

Why Complete Customer Journey Data Matters More Than Ever

This year has brought an incredible amount of economic uncertainty. One of the biggest challenges for digital teams that has come with it is adapting to rapidly changing consumer behavior. It’s not entirely surprising that there has been a significant shift to e-commerce as a result of the closure of physical business locations. What may come as a surprise is that voice calls have risen as much as 35% in the last several months as well. “Voice is the new killer app,” said Chris Sambar, AT&T’s executive vice president of technology and operations. “It’s been a real surprise.” And these calls aren’t just people calling their friends and family, the calls are going to businesses, too. 

This means that it is more important than ever to understand not just the online customer journey, but how it relates to the offline experience when customers pick up the phone.

How the Invoca + Decibel Integration Works

To start, imagine you manage digital team for a bank called Corp Bank Trust. Low interest rates are driving an influx of home loan and refinancing inquiries lately, so you’re keen to make sure you retain every prospect who visits your website. As a customer of both Invoca and Decibel, the product team at Corp Bank Trust has access to Decibel’s digital experience data including the DXS score, which rates the quality of each web session from 1-10.

What Digital Experience Scoring (DXS)looks like in the Decibel platform.
What Digital Experience Scoring (DXS)looks like in the Decibel platform.

They also have access to call analytics through Invoca. This video shows what the call and outcome data look like in the calls report.

Tying Website Experience Data and Call Analytics Together

These two data sources connect through the Decibel integration that ties Invoca call outcome Signals like “application submitted” or “loan approved” with corresponding Segments in Decibel for session-level end-to-end views. For example, when the “appointment set” Signal is met as shown in the Call Details report, you can click the Call Details icon on the far left. Watch this video to see how to view call details.

From here you can listen to the call recording to hear exactly what the customer said. To connect the call to the website experience, just scroll down and click on the Decibel ID and view a session replay of the web visit that drove the phone call. Watch this video to see how to view a session replay associated with a call.

Fix Negative Website Experiences and Enhance the Good Ones

Armed with this level of insight, digital marketers can analyze website sessions and the phone calls they drive to fix the web experiences that are creating frustrated callers. For example, uncover broken links, incomplete web forms, or simply the need for more information to keep prospects online and informed enough to submit an online form or make a purchase.

Additionally, optimization teams can illuminate the situations where directing prospects to leave the website and pick up the phone is actually a good thing. Certain types of purchases may convert more quickly or have a higher ticket when completed over the phone. With Invoca and Decibel, you can learn how and when to do this, boosting your revenue and creating a better customer experience.

As businesses continue to navigate the changing waters of 2020, this level of customer journey insight is critical to adapting quickly to the changing needs of your customers. 

Learn more on our Decibel integration page

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