Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

Invoca, Inc. (“Invoca”) considers any and all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking to be abhorrent and is committed to conducting business in a way that ensures that everyone it deals with is treated with respect and consistently with their legal rights and protections. 

We are committed to ensuring that, through the way we operate as a business, and the relationships we develop, no form of modern slavery or human trafficking occurs anywhere in our business or supply chain. 

Our organisational structure and our business

Invoca is a revenue execution platform that connects marketing and sales teams to help them track and optimise the buying journey to drive more revenue. 

We are headquartered in West Hollywood, California, USA.

Our staff

At Invoca, we believe diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are critical to our success. We are committed to create a workplace where everyone feels a sense of belonging and is empowered to be their authentic selves. This enables people to do their best work and have their contributions recognised and valued. By embracing and promoting this core belief, we amplify the voices of our employees, our customers, and our communities.

Maintaining a fair and ethical workplace for all of our staff is therefore at the core of what we do. We prohibit the use of all forms of forced labour and any form of human trafficking and promote equal opportunities throughout the employment relationship. We ensure that our recruitment procedures and practices, as well as our remuneration of staff, complies with the relevant local laws, regulations and standards. 

Our supply chains 

Given the nature of our business we have a relatively short supply chain. Our principal supplies come from providers of cloud-based systems, data infrasctructure services and companies which supply us with hardware and office equipment. Our primary suppliers are based in the United States of America, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands. 

Due diligence

We expect all our contractors, suppliers and other business partners to uphold the same high standards as we do, by ensuring all employees and workers are treated with dignity and respect in a fair and ethical environment. 

We work to identify, assess, and monitor any potential areas of risk in relation to our business and supply chains. This includes considering the length of the relationship, nature of what is being supplied and the location from where it is being supplied. We will continue to look to manage any risks identified.

Assessing and managing risk

We are conscious that assessing and managing risk is an ongoing obligation, and there are several steps we have taken, and continue to take, as we strive to achieve this:

Employee Handbook 

Invoca has in place an employee handbook ("Handbook") which is designed to promote high standards of integrity by conducting affairs honestly and ethically. 

The Handbook is applied to all directors, officers and employees of Invoca and makes clear that all employees must act with integrity and observe the highest ethical standards of business conduct in deals with customers, suppliers, partners, service providers, competitors and employees. This extends to fair dealing with those parties and not taking unfair advantage through manipulation, concealment, abuse or privileged information, misrepresentation of facts or any other unfair dealing practice.

The Handbook requires all those at Invoca comply, both in letter and spirit with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in the cities, states and countries in which Invoca operates. Staff are directed to Invoca's legal department for any questions about local compliance.

Reporting concerns

The Handbook requires that any violations be reported to the appropriate person at Invoca and provides for an investigation to be undertaken. 

We assure all employees that their concerns will be taken seriously, treated confidentially and that no unlawful action will be taken against them as a result of speaking up.


It is important to us that our employees are aware of the issues surrounding modern slavery and support our values. 

Looking ahead 

Looking to the future, Invoca is committed to providing our employees with training on the everchanging regulatory obligations, continuing to promote active company due diligence on any new suppliers, and providing our customers with relevant and industry standard contract clauses.   

This statement is given on behalf of Invoca, Inc. and its subsidiaries for the financial year ending 29 February 2024. It sets out the steps taken during the financial year to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains.