A few months ago, we chatted with Shannon Stengele, a production support engineer at Invoca, about why she loves her job. Now that we are all working from home, Shannon continues to bring energy and connection to her team!
My role at Invoca is Production Support Engineer. I am one of four people on the Production Support team – we are small but mighty! We are the main point of escalation for the Customer Success team, so we spend a good deal of time troubleshooting and resolving issues/errors. We also work alongside the wider Engineering team on product development and process improvements.
I initially found out about Invoca through UCSB’s Technology Management certificate program while finishing my undergraduate degree. The innovative nature of the company and its people drew me in. I began as an intern on the Customer Success team but quickly grew into a full-time role. About a year and a half later, still loving Invoca and wanting to pursue a more technical career path, I made the transition to my current role.
It’s really hard to pick just one! My two favorites are our H2 company kick-off in August where we invite our family and friends for an afternoon picnic in the sun and the annual holiday party. A fun bonus is that at the annual holiday party, our very own Invoca band plays, and I sing!
I have a great passion for philanthropy/volunteering. A few years ago, I went to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to restore a home damaged by the floods that devastated the entire state. Currently, I am a member of Santa Barbara’s Junior League chapter, which is a non-profit organization committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community. Our chapter, along with the non-profit 4 Kids 2 Kids, opened S.A.F.E. House House Santa Barbara, which is Santa Barbara County’s first rehabilitative shelter for survivors of commercial sexual exploitation (CSEC). We are currently running a Community Awareness campaign, Traffick STOP, to educate our community about the issue of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and how this issue impacts us locally.