4 Steps to Connect Online and Offline Buyer Journeys to Drive Revenue Growth

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4 Steps to Connect Online and Offline Buyer Journeys to Drive Revenue Growth

In our recent State of B2C Revenue Execution report, only 28% of marketing and sales leaders said they’re very confident that they understand their customers' full buying journey. This lack of understanding is attributed (pun intended) to a lack of visibility into calls, an inability to unify online and offline data, and insufficient access to data from other departments. 

In industries with complex purchasing paths, like automotive, healthcare, home services, and financial services, it’s easy to see why this happens. The buying journey spans online and offline channels, as customers do their research online and then convert over the phone when they set appointments, get quotes, or make a purchase with the help of a contact center sales agent or representative at a business location. 

The marketing team that generates leads—usually through digital channels—often operates independently of the sales teams that convert them in the contact center or business locations. This causes a disconnect between online and offline experiences that makes it difficult, if not impossible, to optimize every touchpoint in the buying journey to drive more revenue.

Fortunately, it’s not impossible to connect online and offline buyer journeys. Here are four steps you can take to unify the buying journey and how that helps you achieve more revenue growth.

Align Marketing, Sales, and Contact Center Teams on Common Data and KPIs

The gap between the online and offline stages of the buying journey is widened by the divide between teams that manage them. Our research shows that over 90% of sales and marketing leaders believe alignment across their departments is important for driving revenue growth. However, only 1 in 10 say their teams are strongly aligned. 

Alignment is critical not just to facilitate getting data from one department to another, but to growing revenue. Without a solid connection between your marketing, sales, and contact center teams, you have no visibility into sales call outcomes and therefore no way to measure and improve your results. Poor alignment leads to a vicious cycle of poor marketing and sales performance, reduced growth, and seemingly no way to break out of it.

Gaining the alignment your sales and marketing teams need to become a well-oiled revenue growth engine can be difficult, but it’s by no means unobtainable. To learn how it’s done, check out our six-step guide to B2C marketing and sales alignment, or listen to our deep-dive podcast below. 


Get Accurate Attribution Measurement for Digital-Driven Phone Converions

Over half of the respondents to our survey said that a lack of visibility of offline interactions (i.e. phone calls) was a top barrier to understanding the full buying journey. When a sizable proportion of your leads convert on the phone, this causes several problems:

  1. No attribution for phone leads: Without direct attribution for the phone calls that your marketing efforts drive, you have no way to tie the outcome of sales calls to your marketing spend. This results in artificially low conversion rates and inflated CPA because you aren’t tracking half of your conversions.
  2. No ability to optimize lead quality: If you don’t know the outcome of the calls your marketing drives, you have no idea if they converted and can’t optimize your marketing to drive more high-quality leads.
  3. No connection to revenue: Without full visibility into the outcomes of marketing-driven phone calls, you have no way to accurately measure your ROAS. You could be missing 50% or more of your conversion revenue.

With Invoca’s revenue execution platform, you can get attribution for calls and visibility of the entire buying journey from click to call to conversion. With first-party data on buyer interactions, intent, and call outcomes, you can see and measure the success of the end-to-end buying journey. This means you can connect the digital journey to calls and accurately measure the revenue your marketing investments drive whether conversions happen online or on the phone.

Invoca’s durable attribution also gives you attribution for phone conversions driven by Google Ads even when iOS apps, private browsing, or ad blockers strip the GCLID. Many other platforms can’t attribute conversions without a click ID, causing you to miss 20% or more of your phone conversions. 

Learn more about how to get more accurate marketing measurement and full revenue attribution in the deep-dive podcast below or in the Revenue Execution Playbook.


Optimize Paid Media and Cross-Channel Retargeting with Call Data

Today, marketers face stagnant paid media budgets and increasing demands to directly tie media investments to revenue. To drive growth without increasing ad spend, you need complete customer journey data to squeeze every last bit of ROI from your budget and prove your programs drive revenue. 

Most B2C marketers experience a big data gap when their paid search, display, and other ads drive customers to call. If you’re not measuring it, you can’t optimize it or get credit for all the revenue you drive.

With Invoca’s revenue execution platform, you know exactly what is driving high-intent leads and conversions over the phone so you can improve performance and stop wasting budget on ineffective campaigns. You can automatically detect call outcomes, conversion events, and caller intent and get granular attribution data down to the keyword level. You can also stream call conversion data to virtually any ad platform to automatically optimize for high-intent sales calls across digital platforms.

Check out the deep-dive podcast below or read the Revenue Execution Playbook to learn more about optimizing paid media and retargeting with Invoca.


Connect Website Experiences with Phone Calls to Optimize Both Channels

Most marketers understand the digital touchpoints of the buying experience well. But when it comes time to set an appointment, get a quote, or make a purchase, many consumers will call to complete the process, creating a gap in data and visibility of the buying journey. 

This leaves marketers in the dark. What drove them to call? Was it a bad website experience, or did they just want an expert to walk them through the purchase? Did they convert on the phone or drop out of the buying journey? Were they a hot lead driven away by a poor call experience? Without the ability to connect the online journey to phone calls, you can’t properly optimize any part of the experience. 

Invoca’s revenue execution platform solves this by connecting first-party customer data from phone calls to the digital interactions that drive them. This enables you to use data from calls to optimize the digital experience and diagnose digital abandonment. It also allows you to use digital journey and intent data to inform contact center interactions to create efficient, personalized experiences. And that leads to happier customers and higher conversion rates.

Check our the deep-dive podcast below or get the Revenue Execution Playbook to learn more. 

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