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Infographic: The Optimism and Opportunity of AI Martech
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Infographic: How Broken B2C Buyer Journeys Hurt Revenue
The modern omnichannel buying journey is broken, and it's costing companies revenue. Learn how you can fix it in this infographic.
The Cause and Effect of Poor Marketing & Sales Alignment
This infographic examines the factors that inhibit marketing and sales alignment. Learn what they are and how to overcome them to drive more revenue.
Home Services Trends for 2024 Infographic
The U.K. home services market will experience steady growth over the coming years. Adapt to these trends to drive customer acquisition and revenue.
5 Reasons Marketers Need to Focus on Conversions, Not Leads
In this infographic, we’ll show you five reasons you should put lead value above lead volume and build a revenue execution-based marketing strategy.
5 Tips to Use Google Ads AI to Level-Up Revenue
In this infographic, we'll cover five key Smart Bidding tips to level-up revenue. We’ll also show you how to pair Google Ads with conversation intelligence AI.
Why Your Contact Centre Needs AI
Our report found that contact centre managers don’t have the right tools they need to coach agents. Learn why your contact centre needs AI in this infographic.
Why Phone Calls Create a Marketing Data Mystery
In this infographic, we share how phone calls are creating a marketing data mystery for your team — and how you can solve it with conversation intelligence.
5 Tips to Defend Your Marketing Spend
Three-quarters of marketers said their 2023 budgets will face increased scrutiny. Learn how call tracking can help you defend your spend in turbulent times.
Why Ignoring Phone Call Conversions Harms Marketing ROI
When budgets are under scrutiny, every conversion counts — but many marketers overlook phone call conversions. Learn how this is harming your ROI.
The Cost of Missed Appointment Calls for Healthcare Marketers
Do you know how many of the appointment calls you drive are going unanswered?
Add Conversation Intelligence to Your Marketing Strategy
Today’s buyer journey is more fragmented than ever. Learn how leading marketers are connecting and optimizing all of their channels — including phone calls.
Better Contact Centre Experiences Build Brand Loyalty
Expectations for the customer experience are higher than ever—and that includes the contact centre.
The paid search paradox
With the shift to mobile, phone calls have come on the paid search scene in a big way.
The Rise of Voice
The proliferation of voice technology is changing the way we go about our daily lives and interact with the world.
Phone calls and the new customer journey
To learn how phone calls fit in the new customer journey, Invoca analyzed over 32 million phone calls. We found that consumers across industries are making phone calls after engaging online.
Extreme marketing makeover - life after Invoca
Invoca’s call intelligence platform has serious potential to impact your marketing...not to mention your bottom line.
Maximising results with call intelligence
If you are completely new to driving and tracking call conversions, this checklist will help you determine how to start using call intelligence to achieve the greatest impact.
What makes call tracking a must-have for marketers
Invoca surveyed marketers who use call tracking and analytics software and asked how they use it.
How to Dominate the SERP and Drive Phone Leads with Local Search
When it comes to local search, Ricky Bobby said it best: “If you ain’t first, you’re last.” To drive organic conversions and phone leads, you need to rank on page one.
Crossing the PPC Chasm
Did you know businesses receive nearly 34 billion inbound calls each year from mobile search alone? This number is expected to surpass 70 billion by 2018.
Why calls are the new clicks
The customer journey is in flux. People are moving online, offline, and across devices more than ever before.
10 Stats to Drive Your Sales & Marketing Alignment Strategy
Think sales and marketing don't need to sync? These stats might change your mind!
Everything Marketers Need to Know About Connecting Phone Calls with Google Ads
About 70% of mobile searchers call a business straight from Google search.
What does it take to be a true omnichampion
Marketers are locked in a heated competition to become the true "omnichampion" — a master of the omnichannel customer journey.
The Cost of Missed Customer Calls for Automotive Marketers
Do you know how many of the automotive phone leads you drive are going unanswered?
Call Intelligence Index
To show exactly how phone calls fit in the new omnichannel journey, Invoca analyzed 58 million calls from 2015 that spanned more than 40 industries.
Why emails and calls are the perfect match
Email is essential. People love to say email is dead. Yet, with each passing year, we find ourselves reaffirming its value.