14 Quick Tips To Drive More Insurance Leads From Facebook

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14 Quick Tips To Drive More Insurance Leads From Facebook

Speaking with an expert agent has always been a critical element when buying insurance. Whether it’s life, home, automotive, or health insurance, a real-life conversation is likely to happen at some point along the customer journey. That’s because having a conversation with an agent is the best way to get quick answers to personal questions before making a financial commitment to a complex service.

As an insurance marketer, it’s important to recognise that while most insurance leads research insurance online, only 25% follow through with buying online. Conversations with prospects are critical to writing new policies. And what better way to strike up a conversation than by using your digital marketing to drive more calls to your agents?  

There’s a lot you can do, but let’s start with Facebook. After all, Facebook is predominantly accessed by smartphone users, which makes Facebook a great platform for quickly connecting insurance leads with your agents. In this article we’ll outline how to leverage Facebook marketing for insurance agents so that you can do a better job connecting with potential customers.

Easily Find Insurance Leads Who Are More Likely to Call

The first step to driving conversations is by getting your mobile News Feed ads in front of smartphone users. Yes, a desktop user can call using another device at some point, but a smartphone user can call right away.

1. Know your audience

Do you know who else is more likely to call? Someone that has already shown interest in your services. Make sure to retarget consumers who have previously called you from your site or mobile app. They’ve already shown a desire to call – so show them ads that encourage them to re-engage by calling.

Refine Your Facebook Marketing Strategy

Once you’ve found a targeting strategy that drives calls, expand your reach by targeting new audiences that resemble your ideal customers who have called you in the past. These are called lookalike audiences in the Facebook world. You can take it one step further and try adding these targeting options to help drive calls from insurance leads:

2. Target local users

Nearly half of smartphone users expect insurance agents to be within 5 miles of them. Geo-target people near your agents or branch locations and make ad content hyper-local by including a local address and phone number. Using a “Call Now” button in your Local Awareness Ads is also a simple and effective tool for driving calls to agents directly from your ads.

3. Personalise your Facebook insurance ads by targeting for life events

Set triggers for different types of insurance purchases. Show specific messages to take advantage of what’s happening in your audience’s lives. For instance, target married couples with first-time home buyer ads or those that just had a child with upgrades to life insurance ads.

Life Events Worth Targeting: 

  • Engagment
  • New job
  • Just married
  • Baby born 
  • Major birthday

4. Use interests and behaviors to target your ads

Target people that have expressed interest in or have liked insurance-related pages, or have purchase behaviors similar to those that are likely to respond to insurance offers.

5. Use the contact centre data to refine your retargeting 

The right conversation intelligence solution not only tracks which Facebook ads are driving calls, but also uses AI to capture insights from the phone conversations. Insurance marketers are using these insights to retarget previous callers with the right ads. For instance, if a caller purchased auto insurance over the phone and mentioned they were closing on a home, you could target them with ads promoting an auto and homeowners insurance bundle over the next 60 days, as the closing process progressed.  

6. Target lookalike audiences based on online and phone conversions

Facebook’s lookalike audience feature helps you build on your success by finding prospective customers with similar attributes to those who already converted from your ads. Some insurance marketers use their call tracking data to build lookalike audiences based on callers who converted over the phone. This is an effective way to drive new policyholders, since 72% of insurance shoppers purchase offline by talking to a call centre or local agent.

Build lookalike audiences in Facebook Ads Manager based on your most valuable callers

7. A/B test ads to determine what resonates with your audience

A/B testing is pretty straight forward. Are life insurance ads running better than homeowner insurance ads? It’s all about the variable and what you’re trying to learn about your audience. Small tweaks to your imagery, placement, text, or the audience itself, when compared to an original ad, teaches you what is more attractive to your audience or if you’re simply targeting the wrong people from the start. This is important to your budget because it allows you to spend confidently since your decisions are based on actual data rather than making wild guesses. 

Capture Attention With The Right Insurance Facebook Ads

How do you get a Facebook user to start thinking about insurance? How does an ad spark action? You won’t know until you test, but one thing is clear: the most effective way to drive calls from Facebook advertising is to first drive visits to your website where you can encourage them to call. But how do you stop someone from scrolling through their Facebook News Feed so they'll click on your ad? Here are some ideas.

8. Extend a special offer

One way to cut through the noise is to present a great offer or incentive. Give users a reason to click through to your landing page where you can offer additional details and incentivise them to call. 

9. Tell a story

Carousel ads are very helpful in capturing attention and creating a visual story. According to Facebook, this format consistently drives higher engagement compared to single-image ads. Showcase your brand’s uniqueness in bite-sized bits using different images to tell an interesting narrative. 

10. Create unique campaigns for each stage of the buying journey

It’s critical to make sure you’re utilising the right strategy throughout a customer’s journey which follows these typical steps. We’ll use auto insurance as an example: 

  1. Problem Recognised - Parents realise a need for an update to their insurance when they see a Facebook ad from Bob’s Auto Insurance asking if they have a teenager about to turn 16 which will result in a new driver in the house. (And they do!)
  2. Awareness - Parents are now aware of Bob’s Auto Insurance as a result of the digital ad they saw and obviously their own current insurance provider as possible options for coverage. 
  3. Consideration - Parents weigh the pros, cons, and value of each provider before making a decision. This is where you want to make sure all the Facebook ads you run, your profile, and website all promote the same value. Creating a sense of urgency at this stage by offering a discount for a limited time can assist with the conversion rate. 
  4. Purchase - Based on their research, it turns out Bob’s Auto Insurance offers more coverage for less (despite now having a teenage driver) plus free emergency roadside assistance for a year, so the parents purchase a new policy through him instead. Lesson learned? Be like Bob, offering a competitive price and more value will lead to more conversions. 
  5. Retention - Now that Bob has them as a customer, how can he keep them from moving on with another provider? Upselling additional services for less or promoting bundled services to your current customers are all great strategies to retain your customers. The point is to communicate the additional value your customers will get by incentivising them to stay. Posting pics of new customers and how much they saved by switching will remind your current customers that they’ve made the right choice. And remember, it costs more to get new ones, than keep the ones you’ve got! 
  6. Exit or Advocacy - Unsatisfied customers will move on to other options just as the parents did in the example when they learned about Bob’s Auto Insurance. An outreach strategy, possibly on Facebook Messenger, to find out why you’re losing customers should be in place for just such an occasion. Satisfied customers, however, will leave reviews which will legitimise your product or services. Retention and advocacy can go hand-in-hand at this stage by offering an additional discount for leaving a review on your Facebook profile page. 

Follow Through on Your Facebook Landing Page

As mentioned earlier, it’s likely that you will drive your calls from your Facebook audience once you get them to click through to your landing page. While these tips might sound like a broken record, it’s critical that you don’t skip out on them as they will help you improve your conversion rates.

11. Optimise your landing page for mobile

If you don’t have a responsive website that’s optimised for mobile, you’re losing customers to an insurance company that does. Make it easy for smartphone users to navigate your website by optimising for mobile. Don’t force your audience to pinch their screens to view your content.

12. Make it easy to call

Place your click-to-call button above the fold on every page or in the middle if you’re targeting Facebook smartphone users with an inclination to call.

13. Personalise the Customer experience

Tailor content for local if you’re targeting local shoppers with your Facebook ads. Direct them to a landing page that’s customised to them, from messaging to imagery to the local phone numbers. 

When insurance leads call, use their location and online interactions to automatically route them to your closest location. Or if you send calls to a call centre, route them to the best agent to assist them based on what you know about the caller. A call tracking solution can help you route callers and provide data on them to your call centre agents at the time of the call.

Want a deeper dive on landing pages? Check out this article on landing page best practices.

Prove and Improve Call Conversions from Your Facebook Ads Landing Page 

Insurance is a complex and considered purchase which is why, according to J.D. Power, only 25% of insurance leads buy online. You’re tracking the online results of your Facebook campaigns, but are you connecting these to your offline results? 

14. Track call conversions driven by your Facebook Ads and landing pages

To prove and improve the calls their Facebook Ads landing pages are driving, leading insurance marketers are using call tracking solutions. The right call tracking solution can tell you not only how many calls you’re driving, but also how many of those calls are qualified sales leads and how many ultimately convert to policyholders. You can push this data into Facebook Ads manager or view it in custom dashboards. With these insights, you can optimise your Facebook ads and landing pages to drive more new policyholders at a lower CPL.

Push Invoca data into Facebook Ads Manager to see the sales calls driven by your ands and landing pages

Don’t Forget About Your Organic Facebook Marketing (3 Tips)

Facebook users will happen upon your profile and you want to be prepared for them, in addition to intentional browsers. Sometimes potential customers don’t know what they need until you tell them, and your Facebook page is the perfect tool to communicate the value your insurance can bring. When organic traffic does come across your page, your content needs to be able to do the three E’s: Engage, Educate, and Electrify. 

To engage, give your audience  a reason to keep clicking and keep reading. What value do you bring? How do you compare to your competitors?  Is there a picture you can post that they would like or comment on? These are all questions potential customers are going to ponder, and if you can answer them with your content alone, it’ll draw them in to dig deeper. 

To educate, your content has to fill in a blank that either your audience already knows they need filled, or didn’t know they need filled, but now they do! Provide numbers, data, competitor comparisons, or anything else that can differentiate yourself that your customers didn’t know about you before.  

How do I “electrify” an audience about insurance? Ok, so it’s not the most exciting topic to promote, but this is where you get to be creative and MAKE it exciting.  If a gecko or furry cavemen can make insurance funny and interesting, what can you do to bring that same energy? Creating some sort of ongoing insider joke, catch phrase, memorable slogan, or mascot are all strategies you can utilise to bring some energy to your content. 

1. Keep your Facebook company page up to date 

Contact information, the rates you offer, business’s name, logo, and the types of coverage you provide are all important pieces of information you need to make readily available. If potential customers have to go looking for it, you’ve lost them already. Facebook is full of distractions so all your basic information is required.  If you move your office space or change your number, your Facebook and any other platforms need to be updated immediately.  our audience will become frustrated and move on if the number they’re trying to call goes nowhere. 

2. Engage thoughtfully with relevant groups

There are all sorts of relevant Facebook groups you can join to connect with a wider audience and cast a wider net at the same time. It’s also a great way to prove you’re an expert in the industry. There are groups like Insurance Claims Questions, Discussions, & Education where providers and those seeking answers can collaborate to provide guidance to everyday issues. This is a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and capabilities. 

3. Post regularly

You’ve got to post regularly if you want to stay on your followers’ radars. Promotions on Facebook will get lost in the shuffle of every other product that’s being promoted, so discount announcements, promotions, or customer testimonials with imagery or video are all options you can utilise to keep current customers up to date or attract new ones. To stay relevant, create a realistic schedule that you can maintain and provide content for and stick to it!

FAQs About Facebook Marketing for Insurance Agents

Do I need to install the Facebook pixel? 

We’ll put it this way. It doesn’t hurt, AND it’s free. Facebook Pixel is a great way to gather preliminary data before you start spending money and running ads. Pixel will track how users are navigating your website, their journey to get there, and other insights as well. From this initial information you can create more intentional and strategic ads that target the same or similar audiences. 

What are the best image sizes for Facebook ads? 

Facebook suggests the following criteria for your ads:

  • Max File Size: 30 Megabytes
  • Max Image Size: 600 x 600 Pixels
  • Recommended Resolution: 1080 x 1080 Pixel Minimum 
  • Image Ratio Range: 1.91:1 - 1:1 

How long should Facebook ad copy be? 

Facebook ads are broken down into 3 man sections, Headline, Primary Text, & Description, and each section has a recommended character count. The recommended text length for a Headline is 40 characters, Primary Text is 125 characters, and Description is 25 characters.  Don’t let the character count discourage you. This is where you really have to be strategic and focused in your messaging.  

What is the Difference Between Facebook Boosted Posts and Facebook Advertising?

Choosing between boosting your Facebook Post or investing in Facebook Ads all depends on the goals you’re trying to achieve. Boosted posts are geared more towards promoting brand awareness. They allow your followers or potential followers to Like, Comment, or Share your post. These interactions can potentially lead to conversions, but should be seen as an added step in the funnel process. Ads are somewhat similar but lean more towards achieving more direct sales conversions. They guide potential customers towards your website so that the traffic is more likely to purchase the insurance offers you have available.

Get the Ultimate Guide to Conversation Intelligence to learn more about integrating conversation data with all of your digital advertising platforms. 

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